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Medical Weight Loss with Semaglutide

Our medical weight loss program with Semaglutide is the solution you've been looking for to achieve your weight loss goals and improve overall health. If you have been struggling to maintain your fitness level over time, our program can help. You can trust us to provide the support and guidance you need to succeed.


Semaglutide Injections

The Look Salon and Med Spa takes pride in offering a safe and effective weight loss solution using Semaglutide, an FDA-approved medication for treating obesity and Type II diabetes without surgery. Our clients can benefit from a simple and easy approach to shedding those pounds, ensuring a healthy and confident body.

Results That Speak for Themselves

Achieving safe and effective weight loss is possible with Semaglutide in Denver, a GLP1 agonist medication that has been FDA approved for years. With just one weekly injection, you can experience a simple and almost painless process that reduces your appetite and helps you shed those stubborn pounds without hunger or cravings. Book a Consultation today to learn more about how Medical Weight Loss can help you restore your healthy body.

Should I Consider Medical Weight Loss?

Great news! Our clinic offers personalized consultations to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Our providers will take the time to get to know you, your lifestyle, and your goals to create a customized treatment plan. If you're looking to lose weight, Semaglutide in Denver might be the perfect treatment for you. Say goodbye to cravings and hunger while still enjoying your favorite foods. Our program helps you reach your goals without sacrificing taste or satisfaction.

You’re not a great candidate for Semaglutide if you:

  • Have Diabetes type 1 or 2

  • Have a history of medullary thyroid cancer

  • Have a history of pancreatitis problems

  • Are pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to become pregnant

  • Have a history of gallbladder disease

  • Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 (MEN2)

  • You are younger than 26 and older than 65

  • Your BMI is below 18 or above 35

Frequently asked questions

How does Semaglutide work?
When we eat, our bodies have a natural “set point” at which our stomach will tell us that we are full. Semaglutide in Denver will help your body find a new “set point” by making you feel full earlier - leading you to naturally eat less at each sitting, resulting in weight loss that typically ranges from 1-2 pounds per week. After your first appointment, you will come in for one simple monthly appointment to pick up your shots. 

Semaglutide is only for diabetes – and should not be used “only” for weight loss.
Semaglutide is a powerful medication that has been FDA-approved for both diabetes and weight loss in non-diabetics. By improving blood sugar levels and reducing inflammation, it is an effective tool in preventing and treating diabetes. With its proven track record, Semaglutide is a reliable choice for anyone looking to improve their overall health
Semaglutide will make you throw up every day!
Semaglutide is an effective weight-loss solution that may cause nausea and vomiting in some patients during the first few weeks of use. However, we work with our patients to find the optimal dosage that results in steady and sustainable weight loss without causing excessive nausea. We also counsel our patients to avoid nausea by eating smaller meals, eating more slowly, and avoiding very oily and fatty foods while on Semaglutide.

You’ll lose weight without dieting or exercising
Yes, you will. Semaglutide is designed to help you achieve your weight loss goals by suppressing your appetite and slowing down how your stomach empties. We recommend incorporating moderate exercise to maximize the medication's effectiveness and maintain muscle mass. Our ultimate goal is to help you achieve permanent weight loss and adopt a lifestyle by developing better eating and exercise habits.

You will need to be on Semaglutide forever if you want to maintain your results.
No, you can be able to achieve long-term weight loss through modifications to diet and exercise after coming off of Semaglutide. Some patients will get one shot a month in conjunction with their diet and exercise changes to keep their weight stable. 

You’ll gain the weight back after finishing Semaglutide
If you go back to living exactly like you did before, of course, you will gain weight back. You will need to maintain your results either with diet and exercise modifications or maintenance with a monthly shot of Semaglutide. Once we have gotten you to your goal weight, maintenance is easier and simpler than most people would imagine.

You’ll get “Ozempic face” 
Whenever a person loses weight – regardless of how they do it – they will have less fat in their cheeks, which can lead to sagging skin around the nose and mouth and along the jawline. We have many ways to tighten your skin and smooth away those lines after you have reached a stable weight.

Prescribing Semaglutide off-label is dangerous!
Semaglutide has been FDA-approved for weight loss. It is considered “off-label” to prescribe this to people who are not yet diabetic or obese only because the original studies were all done on the severely obese. Therefore – when we prescribe Semaglutide to individuals who are overweight but not yet obese - it is considered an “off-label” prescription. However, prescribing medications in this way is both legal and common.

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